Cold turkey??

As terrible as it may sound I am over breastfeeding!! My daughter is almost 16 months and if it were up to her she’d still be nursing every 2 hours!! She is a great eater she eats anything I give her during the day but wants to nurse after every meal. I’m thinking of just stopping cold turkey because honestly I’ve tried slowly weaning her off the breast but she screams so much if I don’t give her the boob that I end up just giving it to her. I figured I’ll just let her cry it out for a few days and she’ll get over it(horrible, I know) but I am 32 weeks pregnant and I can’t take it anymore my nipples hurt, it’s uncomfortable, I’m exhausted, it’s just too much. Honestly I thinking more of a comfort thing than anything else because during the day she’ll just sit on my lap “nurse” for a few minutes and then go about her day. At night she’ll fall asleep while nursing and as soon as I remove the boob she starts screaming!! IDK what to do anymore, has anyone stopped cold turkey?? Or does anyone have any advice, anything will help!