Advice on how long i should work this pregnancy?


I really need advice because i have to put my leave form in 10 weeks before i intend on taking leave. I have 2 jobs. I work casually as a support worker and my role in this job is mainly housework.. its kinda physical but its not too bad. My other job is a cashier job at a grocery store and its amazing cause my boss and co workers are AWESOME but it fucks my back sooo much (sciatica) the drs have referred me for physio. My midwife wants me to drop one of the jobs or reduce my work load in the new year because i have 4 children aged between 2 and 8, am working these two jobs, am starting a degree online part time in February and its physically beginning to take its toll. I am having painful branxton hicks, my back is so bad some nights i crawl to bed literally and my midwife is worried i am doing too much. I am 22 weeks pregnant so its only gonna get harder but heres the thing... the grocery store job my boss and co workers are great and supportive, however, i am not entitled to maternity leave. My job as a support worker is less physical and pays better and i am entitled to maternity leave but my boss and co workers are unsupportive and horrible. I intend on keeping both jobs if possible just not sure how long to continue working these two jobs for. i should also add i am being induced at 39 weeks due to history of enormous babies

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