Favorite tv shows, celebrities and idols!😄


All of these celebrities are just brainwashed controlled dolled up puppets for their satanic handlers to manipulated and sway the masses to believe in and do whatever they want us to believe in and do. We have become so conditioned to worship these “celebrities” that we don’t even know (or we think we know just because of a controlled documentary) so that we will literally defend these false idols with our lives, we will ignore all of the obvious signs, symbols and facts because we dont want to believe it, were in a dumbed down alpha state denial of what’s right in front of us. Just look at the signs! They’re putting it all right in front of our faces. It’s just a big satanic ring of elitist and they’re puppets over us while we stay so ignorant and controlled, so proud and I’m denial. Why are all of these celebrities always doing the same symbols? They pay millions of dollars for one music video and you seriously think every little thing isn’t planned out? These are in studios, every person, every feather and nook and cranny is designed and put in these music videos, tv shows and magazines for a reason, because the people on top communicate through these symbols in their “brotherhood” were just too dumbed down to see it. If these people are really so unique and artistic “musicians” then why are they using the same symbols, the same tuning and concepts? Why are they all connected by what they do, wear and say? From top politicians to musicians to actresses to top executives/presidents of major businesses. For example we grow up watching these cookie cutter goody girls all tv, we grow with them, get their dolls on Christmas, know theyrephrases and songs, we fall in love with these characters played by these abused and programmed girls, so when we grow up in our late teens then this happens and next thig you know everyones on birth control and sleeping around, wearing makeup posting on Instagram all day etc. it’s all a big distraction and a means to tear us down, society down people. From the television to shopping malls to social media to music to hospitals. The chemicals in our water and food, the chemicals they’re pumping into the air, the crap they push down our throats everyday. We are going down a vey dark path if we don’t start waking people up to what’s going on. And I know what you’re thinking by now, oh some crazy conspiracy theorist. How about you ask yourself what made you think that way? Because everything you think is by influence, so something or someone must have taught you or influenced you to scoff and ignore anyone who comes to you like this with the truth as “oh psh conspiracy theorist”. They’ve been pushing this whole “oh haha just those pesky conspiracy theorist” thing a lot. You see it in tv shows, commercials and even video games where they mock “conspiracy theorist”. Why do you think they do that?? Because they don’t want you to know the truth! They see they information leaking so theyrespending milllions of dollars, getting all sorts of actors and time to make sure you ignore the signs. Very few people, I’d say less then 100,000 out of 7 billion people even know all of this information (because people are in denial and dontwant to or try to look it up) so out of that extremely small 1% portion of the population who talks about these things why would they spend so much money, time and resources to mock so called “conspiracy theorist”. Because it’s vital to keeping everyone under control and dumbed down. Please understand this is not an attack, I’m just trying to wake more people up. A lot is going to be pushed out from now on and I see society around me getting more and more evil and vile. Were going down a bad path. Also another example is even Elton John himself said that all music pushed out is “witchspeak”. Ever heard of backmasking? It’s when these over played shoved down our throats “songs” that get stuck in your head are played backwards, they’re actually saying something else. Look up the song “I got you” backmasked to where she says “we are god we are god” and much more. It’s because these people are top literally think they are gods. Gods reincarnated, to rule over and control us. You’ll see people like beyonce always dressing up like a goddess and doing Hindu goddess things, you’ll see celebrities wearing gold paint or gold film on their bodies. Etc. All of them. You’ll see celebrities, atleast 40+ of them well known pushed ones in bathtubs all the time, that symbolizes the rebirth, the baptism in witchcraft and satanism. Milk baths, jewel baths, blood baths etc. you’ll see them in bird cages, which shows you how they’re minds are trapped, how they’re controlled and stuck in the bird cage just singing a tune. I’ll link you videos, please watch them this is important! Please we are programmed to get defensive or laugh these things off before we even look at the information. We didn’t learn anything in these public schools besides how to ignore the signs, follow authority, be good goys, don’t think really or know how to think critically. Step one is don’t ridicule, look at the evidence and research yourself before anything.