Calling BS on keeping this a secret


I am calling BS on keeping infertility a secret. On keeping doctors and pills and pain and struggle a secret. It seems to me that all the hiding, all the secrets, is why we’re so miserable when someone asks us when! Because everyone is just trying to keep a smile on their face and of course we’re going to feel alone when no one else is sharing their day to day, trying to get pregnant, fear and heartache. When I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) less than a year ago I thought I was the only one I knew with the problem... and month after month I started avoiding the questions... but then I started answering them honestly. Yes. Yes we’re trying, yes it’s harder than we thought it would be. Yes this is hard and it hurts and it sucks. And also it seems that at least in my circle, it’s way more than one in ten who are struggling, or have struggled, or knows someone who is struggling. Yes there are plenty, seemingly endless amounts of friends and colleagues who are getting pregnant left and right, but I’d say just as many struggled. Maybe we need to open up a little bit to those right next to us, in addition to those we only meet on the Internet. My goal in 2018 is to answer questions honestly and share the sadness along with the triumphs and joys.