I need to vent

This one boy that I like (he knows I like him but I keep denying that I do) was face-timing me to originally ask me a question but then we ended up talking for like 3 hours from about 10:40pm till about 1:30am. We shared a lot of secrets and stuff and like I said I have a crush on him but he doesn’t like me other than a friend (if that). Before we hung up he said he trusts me more (not many people trust me) because we shared stuff that u wouldn’t usually share (like about periods and boners). This isn’t the first time we have talked for a long time and usually it is through texting and at night. We were also talking about Instagram and I wanted him to like my pics and one pic was of me and my friends on Halloween (we were minions) and I hated my shirt bc it was fitted and u could see my breasts (I’m only in 7th grade and that is like the most awkward year) and we were talking about my friends and stuff and he zoomed in on my g logo for groot and it was right near my boob and he told me that you could see my boob and he said he could see my nipple. We were talking about weird stuff and we felt like we could tell each other basically anything (and kept saying that we are way past the awkward point). He hasn’t talked to me since then and I really want to talk about wat happened that night.

Sorry for the long post here is a dancing cat.