
I was scheduled to be induced at 9:30 pm on the 20th because baby was measuring two weeks ahead!

I was already dilated 2cm and 70% effaced.

They inserted a foley bulb and cervidel at 11:00 pm, instantly I started cramping and contracting, I had two doses of stadol to help manage the pain but that wasn't even enough. I went four hours with the foley bulb and it fell out at 4:00 am! I was officially 5cm and still 70% effaced.

They gave me a 2 hour break and started pitocin at 6:00 am. They also decided to break my water at 6:23 am, honestly felt like a big relief. The pitocin started to do its job immediately and boy did I those contractions hurt. I finally received my epidural at 8:48 am.

This is what gets interesting..

The epidural was too strong, so strong I could barely feel myself breathe. They kept coming in to check me and I couldn't do anything. My legs were like noodles and it felt like pins and needles.. I cried so much from having a panic attack due to the epidural being too strong and the pitocin was making LOs heartrate drop so they decided to turn off pitocin and turn down epidural at 4:30 pm. They checked me and I was 8cm and 90% effaced.

I finally could relax and I took a nap.

Woke up at 5:30 pm with the sudden urge to push, she came in and checked me and I was 10cm and 100% effaced. They said we could begin pushing in 30 minutes. That was the longest 30 minutes of my life!!!!! Try holding in a ginormous poop for 30 minutes!!

We began pushing around 6:10 pm and I delivered him at 6:43 pm! I pushed so hard veins were popping out of my neck!

It was hard but so worth it!

8 pounds 4 ounces

21 inches
