Increase in sleepiness?


My daughter was born on 10/15 and her naps have been kind of erratic since the beginning, but the past two days she has been pretty much doing nothing but sleeping. She only stays awake for about thirty minutes in between naps (that includes eating time) and sleeps from 30-120 minutes at a time. Also, instead of nursing for 10 minutes every two hours, she’s been going 3 or 4 hours in between meals and even then sometimes only eating for 5 minutes before pulling off and stopping. She doesn’t have a fever and when she is awake, aside from showing tired cues, she’s acting normal and very talkative and engaging. She’s still having lots of wet and dirty diapers too. Is she growing? I just assumed shed be eating way more if she was...I don’t think she’s sick but why else would she suddenly need to sleep so much?