It’s my turn to share my twins story, I have been reading everyone’s story and get so inpatient lol

Layna • 02/23/2010 🎀 11/09/2011 🎀 12/22/2017💙12/22/2017💙
It’s my turn to share my twins story, I have been reading everyone’s story and get so inpatient lol.. 
This is Arthur Jai Jr. 
This is A’Jai Lloyd 
I have been admitted in the hospital since I was 28 Weeks due to absent blood flow through my sons umbilical cord and also elevated blood flow. I had the boys at 34+5
Due to baby A’Jai not moving like he was suppose to three days straight. So my doctor planned the c section at 12pm due to baby Arthur being Breech. So before the procedure was done they found out my platelets were low and they told me that I would have to be put to sleep during the c section, that made my nerves go CRAZY !! Then they came back and gave me some platelets through an IV 40 minutes before it was time. So remind ya I was a nervous reck I have never had a c section or spinal not epidural my other to deliveries were natural. So after my surgery I couldn’t breathe. Fluid was in my lungs and I almost died, they had to rush and give me oxygen take X-rays of my heart and tried to slow my breathing down but it wouldn’t so they started me on water pills through IV to get the fluids out of my lungs. I am doing a lot better and so are my boys they just winged them off of oxygen and they both are ready to be bottle fed. I am forever great full for my sons but I been through hell and back with this pregnancy. 
A’Jai was 4:6 
Arthur Jr was 4:12