HCLFLP (high carb low fat low protein)

If any of y’all were thinking of switching up your vegan diet, I highly recommend going high carb low fat low protein.

Basically the majority of my calories come from starches like rice, beans, potatoes, corn, and grain. It’s so much easier to eat as a vegan when you don’t restrict carbs and SO much better for you.

The minute I eat too many vegan dairy alternatives made from nut milks I see a difference in my weight gain. I eat minimal fat now and try to stick to the starch based basics. I have lost maybe 20 lbs on this diet since July. The only side effect is too much energy haha. And my blood sugar is down at 5.1 so no, this diet does not spike blood glucose levels.

I get my protein from a little tofu now and then but most of my protein comes from rice and beans.

Anyone else on a starch based diet?