Merry Christmas


Today has been a day full of mixed emotions. All week I have been feeling so weird. My stomach felt like it was something in it. Like I had to go #2. Lol. Last night I was laying on my back. Watching tv, and I happen to have my hands resting on my stomach. I felt a little jult. Like a really strange feeling in my stomach.

So this morning I woke up and still had the same feelings. So I went to the store and grabbed a clear blue.

Ladies and gentle

I got a BFP.

I am absolutely shocked. I cried. I screamed. I’m just in a total state of shock. I wanted to share it with someone, so who else but y’all!!!!!!! According to the app I’m 3 weeks. However I’ll be doing to my doctors right after Christmas to confirm. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!