Baby movement. Please help. UPDATE


I am 35 weeks. I have been into l&d; twice this week due to contractions that they had to stop and severe back and pelvic pain. My OB is against us going in unless my water breaks, I am bleeding, or I have contractions 5 minutes apart. He was in agreement with me going in because of the contractions. They were so close and painful that they had to stop them. The second time he was on vacation so doesn't know I went in. I love my OB but I always get lectured about going in. My last pregnancy I was told I was fine at my appt and ended up delivering via emergency csection that night. My problem is my baby won't move. Up until last night she was kicking me so hard I would cry in pain. Now today she won't kick at all. The only way I can get her to move even slightly is to drink a whole glass of ice water and lay down. But once I stop drinking it she stops moving again. The contractions caused my cervix to thin out 100% but it is still very high and not dilated whatsoever. The doctor at l&d; said that her head is forced right up against my cervix and she is baring down causing the horrible pain and I am on bedrest because she is afraid any activity will send me into labor. I am afraid to go in a third time this week just to be lectured yet again by my OB. Don't get me wrong he is a great doctor but sometimes misses the severity of the pain I am feeling. This is coming from a women who cannot take any pain medication and had to be put to sleep for my last csection only to be woken up 15 mins later with zero pain medication whatsoever. My pain tolerance is through the roof. So when I am in pain it's real! Anyway, does it sound like my baby's movement is normal? When does their movement start slowing down significantly? And there is no way that it would just happen overnight right? She absolutely refuses to move at all unless I am actively drinking ice water. Once I stop literally a minute later she stops and will not move again. If I continue like this I will be drinking three gallons of ice water a day just to make sure she is moving! And her movements are more like little flutters today when she does move rather than full blown kicks like yesterday and every other day. How long should I wait before calling the nurse or does it sound like I am just being over worried? Be honest ladies. This is my second pregnancy so I am not a newby to this but if you guys think I am just being overly worried please let me know! I am definetly not one of those moms getting this late in pregnancy hoping every little pain is labor! I need her to stay in there longer! My son was born at 38 weeks and even then had a hard time latching and breastfeeding for 2 weeks. So please don't think I am just hoping to go into labor. Yes, I am uncomfortable but this is just too early to deliver if I can help it! I am hoping to hear experiences from mothers who have had previous pregnancies who have some insight! Thank you guys in advance! UPDATE I took a shower and tried to just get my mind off things and she is kicking me like crazy again! Oh the pain! But at least I know she is okay!