unwanted dick pic response

this guy i went to school with has been sending me pics of his tiny dick for years now, he's engaged as well! its almost daily that i get one and im so pacifistic that i couldnt respond. but today, i sent this back

and hes not replied. what do you do when you get unsolicited dick pics? Edit: I've known this guy since middle school, I've been there for him through his dark times. While many of you are saying that i should relay his pictures back to his fiancee, i don't want to ruin his happiness and life with her. i am so unbelievably pacifistic that if i can avoid hurting someone, i will. My husband knows he sends pictures to me, and knows i dont like to be rude. He trusts me. clearly i should not have made this post asking what you ladies would have done as many of you are blaming it on me. even saying i like it. it's just made me sad. i failed to mention, his fiancee, knows . she thinks it's the same as porn. UPDATE: i asked his to stop and he's not messaged back since i did.