Help! Daughter fell off the bed

We were napping with our 9 month old baby in between us and I got up to use the bathroom and I guess while I was in their our daughter woke up and usually she cries when she's up but she didn't this time and she crawled right off the bed. The thud was loud enough to wake up her dad and he scooped her up and got me right away. She probably cried for 30 seconds and since then she's been acting normal, just playing,talking and being herself but she does have a red mark on her forehead. Shes still tired and wants to nap but we're afraid to let her nap in case she has a concussion. Do we take her to the hospital? Her doctor isn't open today but I'm worried if we take her then we'll have CPS called on us.

**Please don't judge us or make rude comments..after this incident she will strictly be sleeping in her crib. We already feel horrible for letting her sleep with us**