Don’t ever give up❤️

Leslie • Pregnant with my rainbow baby girl💓

Just to give words of encouragement because I know how it was (still is) for me!

Me and my husband have been TTC for 2 years.

We went to the doctor 10 months in wondering what was wrong. At that point my husband had ZERO sperm. You can imagine how this made up feel. He was tested twice and we thought it may have been from a varicocele. Went for a surgery consult and they decided this may not be it so before surgery they retested him. FINALLY we have sperm! Ended up being some Testosterone Boosters he was taking👎🏻

Finally got pregnant a year and a half in (July) and had a miscarriage at week 8 due to chromosomal abnormalities. We were pregnant in September with a chemical pregnancy. We had also done Clomid twice but pregnant both times with no meds.

They were then able to do some blood work on both of us (12 vials worth!). It came back saying I had MTHFR and Pai 1-4G4G. Pretty much I need blood thinners (aspirin and heparin injections twice a day) and body ready folic acid to carry a baby.

So we skipped October and in November we became pregnant again!!

I am now 7w2d and although still early I have high hopes this is the one!! My labs are great and we saw a heartbeat at 150bpm.

Lots of prayers from here forward!!

Just wanting to give some hope for those who suffer with infertility. It is an ugly and terrifying this to go through but your journey is not over!🙏🏼