Help! Is it time? 😳


About six months ago I told my boyfriend I wasn't interested in having children (hearing that put a huge strain on our relationship). After getting this app and seeing everyone's posts, I get a sorta jittery feeling inside every time I read people's stories or see that I'm ovulating. I think seeing everyone TTC has started to shift my mind and makes me think that I would really want to start TTC! My boyfriend is almost 30 and I'm 5 years younger, he always tells me he doesn't wanna wait too long. We've been together 2 years and I know if I told him how I'm feeling now he would be so excited. Despite our arguments we still madly want to be with each other but our physical intimacy has been very minimal. Maybe this is just what we need? I'm just not sure if I should wait it out to speak to him or just do it now! 😉 We don't use any means of protection or birth control anyways...🤷🏻‍♀️