Annoying my bf

I feel like I get on my bfs nerves and I don't even mean to until its too late

I'll get a little pouty over small stuff and I'll do petty shit like put him on mute (he isnt even talking anyway, just watching his show)

I feel like a teenager sometimes and its not good even though he puts up with me because he loves me so much

I just got the implant recently and I am already naturally sensitive when my period comes around, *sigh* I'm so annoying

why cant I just be happy and not so pouty 😔

bless my bfs heart because he deals with my shit(he has his own flaws of course that I put up with as well)

Idk why I get so annoyed

like when I really think about its silly and its already too late, ive already made him think I'm mad, so I cant say I'm not mad because he wont believe me, so I feel I just drag it out 😒

I am learning and so is he, we are each others first "real relationship" we've been together for 2 years and somehow we are still together lol He is patient with me, more than I give him credit for

Anyone else in a similiar situation?