Timing is a b****

Alli • Grace 10-8-18 ❤️❤️

So we’ve been trying since September, had a chemical pregnancy beginning of November so due to crazy emotions from that, we haven’t been very active in trying. My husband became permanent at work (had been through a temp agency) in September. After a full year, he gets 4 weeks paid paternity leave, which is almost unheard of. So talking about it, we decided to wait until January to really start trying again so that he would be able to get the paternity leave.

But here’s my problem, he hardly did it last month because I was struggling emotionally, which he totally got. I want to be able to actually give it to him this month but I’m worried that if I do it a decent amount (even just 2-3 times a week) I’ll feel disappointed that I’m not pregnant again because I will have felt like we did it enough to have a chance, and then it doesn’t happen again. Last month we legit only did it once a week so when AF came I wasn’t surprised and was able to handle it just fine. I’m just worried that I’ll think I’m not going to be able to get pregnant if I’m still not pregnant this month if we do it. I SO want to start trying again this ninety but if I were to get pregnant, my due date would literally be a month before his year mark and they make no exceptions, even if it was a day. So we really need to wait but I’m so torn, I don’t know what to do.

I sure hope this makes sense to someone