We Found Out on Christmas!

Callie • 👶🎀 8.18.18. 👶🎀 3.16.20.

I'd had a sneaking suspicion that I might finally be pregnant after almost 1 year and 4 months of TTC with PCOS, and my suspicions were confirmed Christmas morning when I finally worked up the balls to actually test! Even though we'd been TTC, it's actually quite unexpected, because after 4 failed rounds of femara, we were starting to give up, and my husband was out of town for much of that cycle. I'm so thrilled (and terrified lol!) My first OB appointment is January 10th (my husband's birthday!) For you ladies who are a bit further along, what can I expect at that appointment? Will they just draw my blood to confirm the pregnancy and then send me home? Or will it be the in depth appointment I'm hoping for? Is there anything I should bring with me (vaccine records, etc.)? Thanks in advance for the help, I know all about TTC, but I'm sorta clueless about actual pregnancy! 😂 Also, congrats all around!