1st pregnancy 1st Miscarriage


Like most women I am very much I touch with my body. Me and my fiancé decided we wanted to try for a baby. We did it right when I was ovulating and with the first time I conceived very easily. My symptoms like sore breast started immediately then fatigue and so forth. One morning I woke I felt sick, weak, dizzy and as if I’d throw up. I went to hospital they tested me I was pregnant they only did urine test no blood test. I was very excited and anxious we told the both of our families . I was prescribed medicine to keep from throwing up and a prenatal . I realized after the first time of taking the meds for throwing up my stomach felt weird shortly after the symptoms stopped even days after I was feeling good. I’d get an occasional cramps in the sides but they were so mild it didn’t even bother me. We had sex and there was so problem the first time. The second time we had sex it was good I was Good he was good or so we thought . He didn’t cum in me we didn’t want the extra mess plus I was already pregnant. We went to sleep. I woke to medium cramps and spotting . Now I’m concern! The bleeding gets heavier and the cramps get worse and worse so we rush to the hospital. I sat in a in an open room in the ER with no privacy curtain to keep strangers from looking in my face. I feel the blood , and clots gushing out of me. I’m crying and they are taking there time . And then I feel this gush unlike any other . It was firm compared to the rest my fiancé is upset because we aren’t getting the attention we feel we need. And shit is happening and no one is helping or even acting concerned . I rush to the bathroom pull down the underwear cover in clots and blood only to see what I knew. A grayish colored lime bean shaped object resting in the seat of my panties . Before I could hold it I’m scream and crying so loud I hear the nurse out side the door trying to come in. I wipe it in to a towel and bring it out to them . Instead of them looking they place it in the sink of the room and wheel me off to get an ultra sound only to say they can’t find the gestational sac. .... this was by far the worse experience ever. I don’t know if it was something I did or didn’t do. Was it the sex ? Was the pill for throwing up the cause , I noticed after taking it my symptoms changed . Is it my body ? Idk I’m confused cause it was my first time I’ve never been pregnant before . I want to try again but I’m scared. What it my anxiousness and excitement? Then having to tell everyone I miscarried I don’t want to answer questions about it or hear people tell me it okay. I don’t feel okay I feel less of a women I don’t want to blame my self but I do. I’m hurt . I’m angry.im sad I’m tired and I feel alone .my fiancé is very supportive and loving and wants to try again and he isn’t blaming or anything .i can’t control how I feel. I hear or see something and I want to ball out in tears . Idk. 🤷🏽‍♀️