

I am new to this, however I’m 33 and never had issues with my periods until the last few years. I have all the symptoms of Endometriosis and I’m seeing my OB in February cause he had surgery on his leg so he’s out of the office till then. I’m on my period now and the cramps are so excruciating I’m hunched over and crying. Nothing helps and my GP won’t prescribe any pain meds, which is frustrating. So I have to deal with this again before hopefully seeing my OB. I’ve already had the inner ultrasound and nothing showed up, which I read was common so the only way to do is a lap surgery? Can someone explain what this is and kinda what to be prepared for? I’m nervous about surgery in general because I don’t do well with Anastasia.

I see my GP on the 4th and I’m going to beg to give me something, I mean she’s great and a WOMAN so I just think by talking to her nurse on the phone explaining my problem is better face to face. I hope.

So here I am posting at 4am because I can’t sleep due to my cramps being so bad, second night in a row.