LEEP, incompetent cervix, pregnancy?

Has anyone had a LEEP and then had an incompetent cervix because of it? I had a LEEP about 16 months ago and I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant. I'm getting worried about having an incompetent cervix due to the LEEP. The doctor only took off 1/2 inch of the cervix bc he knew we wanted children. Has anyone had an incompetent cervix? What were your symptoms? I'm going to talk to my doctor about it this next week when we go in, but I was curious to hear anyone's personal experience if they didn't mind sharing or advice on what to look out for. Thanks in Advance! 
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Its hard to tell if you have an IC as it usually doesn't present signs until it's too late. I did notice a clear fluid(Not amniotic fluid) days before I went into labor at 20 weeks. I had no cramping or anything. I just knew that much discharge was not normal.


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I have IC naturally. My water broke at 22w with my first pregnancy. Found out it was because of my weakened cervix. With my second pregnancy I got weekly progesterone shots starting at 13w. And a cerclage at 15 weeks. My cervix still began to shorten at 18w and in was put on bed rest until I had him at 37w.Now 6w pregnant and they are talking about doing a cone biopsy in the 2nd trimester due to precancerous cells on my cervix. I have no idea what to expect if I do that.


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I'm no help but try to not worry. I got checked at 16 weeks then again at 20 weeks. They were confident I would have an incompetent cervix from the surgery. I was cleared and I am 29 weeks!


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I had a LEEP and I'm 30 weeks pregnant. 


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I had a Leep and delivered two babies after and am now 33 weeks pregnant :)