Answered Prayers...Just Not How I Expected


So I went to the ER Wednesday. I was having severe abdominal pain. My period was late so I thought it was either appendicitis or an ectopic pregnancy. After waiting several hours and multiple test that came back fine they found some cysts on my ovaries but said that they shouldn't be causing me so much pain. And as if my Day hadn't sucked enough already...i started my period (42 day cycle). So they gave me some pain meds and sent me on my way. Well on the way out of the er, while I was waiting for my husband to get the car I passed out. I have never done that before. It was weird but my husband managed to come in at the right time and caught me before I got the ground. Anyways because of that and the pain they admitted me to the hospital. I stayed the night and most of the next day there so they could manage my pain and my blood pressure. I am home now and resting, but before I left I met with an OBGYN who told me she thinks I had a massive cyst that ruptured causing all my pain. She takes my insurance so she also is my new Dr, she is going to help my husband and I with our fertility issues. I meet with her next week to start the process. She wants to do another HSG test to see my blocked fallopian tube . She is also going to put me on Clomid to boost my ovulation. So bad news but it ended with answers! I will hopefully get my blessing in 2018!