20 Weeks, Jealous Dogs Acting Out. Help!

Girl Mom. 🎀 • Mama bear of two!

I’m 20 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and we have two black labs. Lately they’ve been acting out when they never have before. I’m sensing maybe it’s a jealousy thing, but I don’t know. They aren’t diggers, biters, chewers or anything like that normally. However, in the past week we’ve found our sprinkler heads in the backyard chewed up, a huge hole dug into the side of our house outside, they chewed up some of my daughter’s toys and then tonight my dog jumped up on the kitchen counter and ate my dinner while I was taking a phone call. They also will take food off my daughter’s high chair tray if I’m not looking. And one of them is losing weight when her diet hasn’t changed and we’ve actually increased her food because we thought she wasn’t getting enough at first. I’m at my wits end! I don’t know what to do. They’re very good dogs normally but this past week or two they’ve been acting out so much. Any tips or tricks dealing with dog behaviors?