what to do


me and my husband have been together going on 6 years. I've known him my whole life, when we first started dating in 2012 it was amazing the best summer of my life I knew I loved him, he said I love you first but I waited then one day I said it without thinking. we had the spark that you would see in movies, 3 months later that was sadly taken away when he found his dad dead. I could have ran for the hills cause he was a wreck but I decided to say his family and friends say I saved his life that if it wasn't for me he would have probably OD*he was bad on drugs before we got together he got clean for me* we have had our ups and downs like any other relationship but since we had our kids (one just turned 2 the other one was born in October) there is this big space between us, we have talked about it and talked about it but we never change, he's always on his phone or playing his game while I'm tending to the kids and him and the house. we are drifting away. in my heart I know I love him I don't want to be with anyone else I would do anything for him but in my mind I feel like we are just dragging out the inevitable, I just don't know what to do