I think it’s Just pregnancy hormones but

Does anyone else get sick of constantly picking up after other people? especially their husband!!!but at Christmas the mess just seems never ending.....all I want to do is sit down in a tidy house. so I tidy it up. Sit down for a bit then I’ll go in the kitchen or I’ll go upstairs and there will be mess so I’ll clean it up go back downstairs and yes you guessed it more flipping mess!!! Why don’t husbands see mess??? Why don’t they take their plates/cups/rubbish/ socks with them when they go into the kitchen?

I fell over on ice taking the bins out one night so he said I’ll do the bins from now on but then goes in a mood when I ask for the bins to be brought in so guess who’s been doing it? I asked at the beginning of November for him to sort out the leaves in the garden and he only did it yesterday because I was complaining it was blocking the drain. Do you know how long it took? 5 minutes to go to the garage get the leaf blower, suck them up, empty it and put it back in the garage. I know I could have done it myself but why should I? Don’t I do enough? And every day so far of the holidays I have been the first one up even last night when I was throwing up at 4am I am still up and out of bed before him (he’s still laid in bed now!) I’m exhausted and I’m thinking in 5 weeks when there is a baby it’s not going to get any easier!!! Sorry for the moan but I just had to get it out !!