What do you think?


Should I be concerned? During the first trimester I had a flu like bug that made me lose a lot of weight - I was sent to the hospital for four bags of fluid and was sick for two days after that. Now I'm between 17/18 weeks and I have another stupid flu bug. Before Christmas I was the weight I was before I was pregnant with my daughter, who I had in 2016. I was 20lbs heavier from the pre-first-pregnancy weight when I got pregnant with this baby (second pregnancy). Now I'm down around 5 more pounds. I'm also not hungry because I keep throwing everything up and things smell so weird to me! I try to force myself, though, for the baby. My dr asked me at my last appointment what my favorite food was (I told her pizza) and she told me to eat more of that lol :) i love my dr! :) anyway, would you be concerned? Should I call my dr on the 2nd and ask if they are concerned? With my daughter (first pregnancy) I gained weight steadily and had a lot to lose after-which I never did (until this pregnancys first flu like bug).