Not breastfeeding for 15 hours

I got a gift for Christmas to go to a play in NYC. I live about 4 hours from the city with traffic and the show is about 3 hours long. I estimate I will be away from home about 15 hours. I am currently breastfeeding my 2 month old. I do pump sometimes and we supplement with a couple of formula bottles at night. My husband was in on this gift for me and has been freezing some of my pumped breast milk in preparation for this day. He organized it so he would stay home with the baby while I went with my sister tot he city.

I do plan on bringing a pump with me on the road but I am worried about being away that long without feeding him directly from my breast. I fear that he will not want my breast anymore because he had so many bottles in a row. I know it might just be my anxiety but I'm wondering if anyone else has ever been in a similar situation and could give me some peace of mind.