8 days old born 12/23/17

Cole Jameson was born at 4:48pm on December 23rd, 2017 weighing 7lbs 8oz 19.5 in long.

I was induced on 12/22 at 8:30pm with cerdavil to start they checked me around 4am cause my contractions were getting stronger and more consistent. I was only at 2cm so then around 530 they wanted to start the pitocin. We got that going and it really didn’t do anything so around 1pm they checked me again I was still at 2cm and my cervix had climbed back up and was super high. They decided to break my water and within 30 min things started to get intense! I called for my epidural. Wow what a relief after hrs of contractions and no progression. I was starting to get super emotional and worried before the epidural. Afterwards I was much more relaxed I think I even got in a nap before I woke up to contractions I could feel through the epidural! So they checked me I was at a 6! Then within an hr I was at a 9 and then another nurse checked me and said nope that’s a 10 she’s ready. I was so not prepared considering everything was finally going so quick! I started to push and literally third push his head was out and they said okay one more and he was born! So quick and easy at that point it was such a relief! No ring of fire this time around!