Something weird is happening to my vagina

Ok so about a week ago I was in bed with my husband, we were about to go to sleep, and my vagina suddenly got REALLY itchy. I noticed it also started burning when I pee, and having sex is painful. Then, I noticed I started having chunky discharge, which is not at all normal for me. There is also an odor (that only I can smell, apparently).

I googled my symptoms and it looks like I may have a yeast infection. I’ve never had one before, so this is all new. Today, I went to use the restroom and I got the same feeling as when I start my period (warm, leaky feeling). I went to wipe and when I pulled the tissue away there was a HUGE glob of CM. Like, huge. I’ve been feeling really crampy today too, but I’m not sure that’s related.

I have a doctors appointment this coming Thursday, but I was just curious if anyone else has experienced this?