Posted this on Facebook for my Ex and his new girlfriend


So my Exhusband and his side chick who turned into his girlfriend after he and I separated have been looking through my Facebook account via mutual friend people (can’t be certain who’s a friend and who’s not at the moment). Anyway, he cheated on me with this chick a month and a half into mine and his marriage marriage. Separated 3 months in. But anyway, any feedback would be great. I don’t want this crap from them to loom over my head so that’s why I posted this but I was also being a bit spiteful...,

A farewell address:

Michael and Chelsea,

I am aware of those who read through my Facebook. It amuses me in how tied up both of you and some others are in my life plans. Anyway, I just wanted to let you two know that I don’t hold anything against you.

Michael, while I believe the ethical thing to have done in your case was to file for legal separation before getting together with Chelsea, I’m not going to hold a grudge against you simply because I hope that you are, in all honesty happy with her. Chelsea is a fun and exciting young lady and has accomplished a lot in her life. I pray that you are not treating her as though she is one of your soldiers and that you aren’t demanding her to take care of you and do your bidding. Chelsea has accomplished to much in life to be treated like garbage every time she comes home. I hope that you do not find someone at your new job and start cheating on her. Chelsea has been through enough without needing that added to her plate.

Chelsea, I am glad that Michael makes you happy. Something he never truly accomplished with me. Please for me, treat him with respect and love him the way that he wants so badly to be loved. He went through a lot as a child and doesn’t need another messed up female in his life to add to his childhood trauma. I know that it may have taken a few married men for you to find the right fit for you but I’m glad that you have finally found someone. I would ask though that you not cheat on him. He doesn’t deserve that kind of poor treatment and disrespect.

Thank you both and any message delivers who helped me get this to Chelsea and Michael. I truly do wish you two the very best in life and am happy that you two got a new start!

