3 years since my miscarriage

So its been 3 years since my miscarriage and I am still so very hurt, and bitter from it. I was 14 weeks pregnant when I miscarried, I knew the sex of my baby, I heard his little heart beat yes it was a little boy, I seen him move a day before I miscarried, i had everything he needed already i started buying him things as soon as i found out, and then everything went wrong and I am still so hurt from it, no one understands why it still bothers me, I am so bitter towards everyone who is getting pregnant and having babies because I am having such a difficult time to conceive again and I know I shouldn't be this way but I can't help it , the doctors couldn't even tell me why I miscarried because the day before he had a strong heartbeat and was moving, they believe its due to having a bicornuate uterus ( if you don't know what that it its a heart shaped uterus instead of oval ) but they aren't sure its been 3 years since that day, I've had birth control but decided to stop in hopes of conceiving but with no avail and its so disheartening and frustrating i was told i had to have surgery before i can conceive again but then told i can have another naturally without surgery but my baby will be 10 weeks Premature, and hearing that just gave me even more doubts and I just don't know what to do, I cant talk to anyone about it because no one understands and I'm told 'it was 3 years ago I need to move on" NO that was my baby I was ready for him, I was ready to be a mother, I was ready for it all, i was ready and he was taken from me. how do you cope with it and move on from it and stop being so bitter?