UPDATE: please help! I think the doctor was wrong


On Thursday night (3 days ago) I started to have a miscarriage. I should be around 5 weeks, and they said they saw no sac on the ultra sound and my levels were at about 80. The doctor did her best to prepare me for a miscarriage, explaining what it would be like to pass it. But not one of my symptoms match what she described! My blood is brown, it’s really light, and I’ve had no clots! I also haven’t had hardly any cramping.

Below are pictures from when I wipe and the pad is what I fill up in about a day. I’m afraid to go back to the doctor and get forced into a d/c. Am I just being crazy and clinging to false hope? I’ve made my peace if I’m having a miscarriage, I’m just so confused.

Last period was November 20

Positive pregnancy test December 18

Thank you.

UPDATE: Thanks for all your comments. I figured it didn’t look good but I’ve never done this before so I didn’t know what to expect. As of today my blood is a lot heavier and bright red. My cramps are also horrible. If it gets much worse I’ll probably go in. Thank you to all the ladies trying to give me hope. It actually helped me make peace with it.