Hyper focusing on symptoms


My most recent miscarriage was this June. It was missed and we found out our baby didn’t have a heartbeat at our 9 week appointment and baby had stopped growing at 6w4d. I had a d&c; the next day and waited for two cycles before trying again. We became pregnant in November and I’m now 7w3d.

But I can’t stop hyper focusing on my symptoms. I had my levels drawn two weeks ago and again two days later and my doctor was happy with the increase. The following day I had bright red blood and small clots. They brought me in for an ultrasound the following Tuesday (the day after Christmas) and we did an ultrasound. We saw our little one with a flickering heartbeat at 119. Baby was measuring on track and everything was good. My symptoms were coming in full force and then suddenly yesterday they’re not.

I have a little bit of an upset stomach today but other than that everything is gone. No bloating, no tender tatas, nothing. And I think I’m just freaking out hopefully over nothing, but I can’t shake it. Having a missed miscarriage was the worst. Not knowing your own body - your body not even recognizing what’s happening (or not) inside of you.

If anyone’s got some words of encouragement that would be wonderful. Especially any mamas out there who have gone through something similar ❤️