Way to start the new year with a bang!!

Meg • Rainbow baby due December 2018 ❤️

Got my BFP this morning!!! To say my husband and I are surprised is an understatement !! I thought I was out this month for sure, kept getting BFN tests. I even bought tampons because I was sure AF was coming. Mentally I was okay and prepared next month we’ll try again...with my period being two days late I felt the need to test-and there is was. Feeling so grateful because this was my first month TTC. We used the clear blue advanced opks so thankful for those!!

I want to thank all the ladies here for uplifting comments & cheering each other on!! I wasn’t expecting this being new to Glow. I didn’t get a faint positive until 13DPO then a BFP 14DPO so don’t lose hope ladies...Baby dust to all & may this be your year!!!
