It’s stressing me out 😭😭😭

Here’s a summary of what’s going on right now:

My period was due on December 25th, Christmas Day. It is January 3rd, (12:49 am, though) and i still have not gotten my period. I haven’t been extremely worried but each day that goes by without my period starting, i get more anxious about it.

Let me also note something:

My mother has been in a relationship that keeps getting worse for months, and on Christmas Day, he got abusive towards her, and threw all of her belongings out of their second story window. I was called to help her get all of her things out on Christmas Day, leaving my boyfriend and his family from the get-together they had. So this was OBVIOUSLY very very stressful for me, and i know that stress can impact your period a lot. But I’m not sure if me stressing over it being late is making it worse or what. Another incident in December was him breaking her cellphone(shattered, broke The whole phone, the metal and all) as well as BOTH of her laptops. He went to jail for a night that night. I also helped her move some stuff out of the apartment that day too.

We just recently had sex on December 30, after about a month and a half of not being able to(just because something always got in the way) and i thought that might speed it up but it hasn’t. We haven’t had sex since my November period. If i ended up pregnant i will actually crap bricks. LOL.

How long is stress able to prolong your period????