This Nigga


<a href="">Eve</a>. Y'all won't believe my Nigga. (Im sorry in advance for my use of language, when I say nigga I mean dude but I really just gotta use the term.) so we've fought before cause hes secretive and shady. As in, he wouldn't tell me his phone password cause "you should be able to trust me without looking at my phone" so I'm like ok. I change all the passwords to my stuff and I do me. As in I still talk to my guy friends but everything is on a friendship basis, so I'm doing me WHILE keeping my relationship a priority. Anyways, so today he's using my tablet to play dominoes and he's on the phone with his cousin and he's distracted so I decided to go they his phone. And of course I see him messaging other girls acting like he's single. Asking them to meet up and telling them the days he's free. I searched through all his social media, text messages (fuck I forgot to check his photos) but anyways I see a couple girls (of freaking course) so I'm reading deep into the messages while he's playing dominoes with his cousin all while laying down right beside him. So anyways he looks over and he's like what are you doing in my phone and I'm like "ohhh so you're free Thursday.. okay" and he's like babe don't do this and his cousin goes quiet. As I'm walking up the stairs to go to my room I see a Tim Hortons coffee cup and I dash that shit right at his head. And he's like "really Samantha" anyways. So I go upstairs and I shower and this nigga opens the door while I'm showering and comes inside the shower talking about how he's sorry and he won't do it again and how he doesn't wanna lose me. I'm like nigga, how are you saying you don't wanna lose me when ur out here acting like ur single like what the fuck. Ughhh I'm so annoyed like niggas are sooo fucking typical it's crazy. I'm also so quick to tell someone on <a href="">eve</a> to leave their man and now it's happening to me lol and I'm like ughhhh. He swears they never met and never fucked but I don't care I feel so disrespected, there's multiple girls he was trynna get their numbers and shit like really. How u gonna disrespect the person you say you "love" and want a future with. I don't understand. Mans continuously telling me he's sorry but I don't feel it, I feel like hessorry he got caught. But y'all new year new me forreal like I'm so surprised i didn't punch him in his face lol so kiddos to me lol. I'm so irritated y'all. Ughh