Thoughts on Shotgun Weddings?


I've never been a fan of them, but don't have a problem with them either. Coming from a Catholic family, 3 out of the 4 last family weddings I have gone to have been shotgun weddings. My boyfriend and I had been together 4 years when I got pregnant and I decided against getting married before the baby was born. My family really didn't mind and when they asked when we were getting married it was out of curiosity and not shame or anything. Flash forward 10 months and I find out I am pregnant again. I had quit my job to stay at home with my son and had no insurance at the time. Even if I were to get a job I would not receive benefits by the time I needed to go to the doctor, so off to the courthouse we go. No one knew I was pregnant and the wedding and we still haven't told anyone. I just don't want want the the "Oh, that's why you get married!" comments and for people not to think the wedding was as special because it was more out of necessity. So, what are your thoughts on shotgun weddings?

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