Breastfeeding, pumping oh my


My Little guy is not good at breastfeeding, starting with the pain my nipples are going through. His latch clearly isn’t right but I can’t fix it. I had the same problem with my daughter 5 years ago. It also takes him forever to eat when I do endure the pain. I tried a nipple shield but he isn’t having it because it probably seems weird to him and I don’t blame him. I’ve been pumping only and though it is time consuming, it doesn’t seem as time consuming as waiting 45 min for him to BF and the pain. And he never seems satisfied saying BFing like he’s not swallowing??

With the pumped milk he can eat in 10 min and be done and back to sleep at night!

My question is, are other mommas pumping only? Should I keep trying to BF through the pain? The guilt is terrible that I can’t BF like I really wanted to with him 😭