Cancer guys! Need help deciphering his feelings...


Hi, I've been talking to my cancer guy for almost a year now but we aren't official because he's going through ptsd and anxiety and shuts me out alot. Eventually he comes back and tells me what all went on with him. He's very open with me when it comes to his issues. He stays away as to not negatively affect me. But we see each other in passing at work. We aren't allowed to talk much though because of his position in the company. Anyhow, before new year I haven't really spoken to him much for weeks on end because im going through stuff too. I sent all of my fb family n friends a "happy new year" gif and he actually responded to me with "happy new year". Big whoop i know lol but then later on shortly after he got off work he messaged me asking what i was doing. I told him and we chatted for a bit, making jokes. Then he said this, "i figured id get u smiling before i pass out, im exhausted". It caught me off guard because it made me think "oh wow he thought of me enough to want to make me smile before he went to sleep" so im feeling special. So i asked him "so u just wanted to make me smile?" And he responded " yeah, always". So now im feeling quite giddy. So i asked him "why r u so sweet to me?" Which he responded "because i want to be" which to me is the most perfect answer. So if anyone can tell me if he is smitten with me or not or just how much he fancies me... just to shut my overthinking mind up a bit I'd greatly appreciate it! Im a taurus btw