It's my bloody inheritance!!


My grandparents aren't in the best health, my grandad is already in a home and my gran is starting to find running a B&B; really hard.

My mum and her brothers don't help out at all and my grandparents have made it clear that I'm inheriting the B&B; as I'm the only one that has helped them out and shown an interest.

My gran has said she's signing the B&B; over to me next month when she sees her lawyer as she can't do it anymore. This is really great news cause it means I don't need to go back to work now I've had my baby and that I can work from the B&B; and take him with me.

My hubby has decided though that I need to update my will (which admitted I will as I need to add the B&B;) but he wants me to leave it to his daughter as 'she is the eldest' This has really pissed me off though as his daughter has said she wants nothing to do with me as I'm nothing to her (she was a lot nastier than that even though Ive been here for her for over 10 years and treated her like my own). I get it I'm the step mother and not meant to be liked but am I hell going to leave my family business to her! It'll go to my bloody kids and he has a cheek to think I'm going to leave her anything nevermind my family business!