Aubrey • I love my Rossi

This is gonna be a bit lengthy, so sit back and get some popcorn or something.

So, for background, I’m 16 and my boyfriend is 17. We don’t live very close (he lives about 2 hours away) and we see each other about every other weekend. Which works perfectly for me because I’m very introverted and need breaks in between spending time with people. My mom works as an at-home daycare provider, so my house doubles as her business during the week. This is relevant I promise.

So, on to my complaining. My boyfriend asks way too many questions. They aren’t questions about our relationship or anything that has to do with me or him, they have to do with my family and things I don’t know about. So, today he asked why he couldn’t come when my mom is working. Which is a valid question, so I told him that he can’t come during daycare hours because it could get my mom’s license revoked (which is true, to the best of my knowledge). He asks ‘why?’ And I’m like “I don’t know??? You’re a strange man who hasn’t been cleared? Pedophilia is a thing that exists??? I’m not an expert, why’re you asking me?” And he took that as an insult and got pissy with me and left the conversation.

Also, he has a tendency to keep asking questions even when I make it clear that I 1.) don’t know or don’t care to know, or 2.) don’t want to talk about it. And then he gets kinda pissy when I tell him again.