What would you Redo?

If you has the chance to go back and redo the first kiss with someone specific, the first time you slept with someone specific, or even redo a first impression, would you? What happened that makes this experience win the REDO vote in your life experiences? ...... .......... ........... ....................... ........... .............. There are a lot of I wish I could remove that experience all together moments and people I would walk right past instead of saying hello to. But I learned something from each of those people/experiences that has taught me something for later in life. . . . . . . . but I've had quite a few moments that I don't necessarily regret or wish I could erase from life... I just wish I would've handled them differently... like not being so awkward when meeting my husband and later I wish I could redo our first kiss... I wasn't ready and it was also awkward (we laugh about these things now) but I still get embarrassed thinking about it. So, how about you?