Nervous for ultrasound...😔


I haven't had an ultrasound since I was 7 weeks and some odd days. I have a scheduled u/s this upcoming Wednesday and I'm a ball of nerves. When I was pregnant with my daughter in 2015 we had completely normal tests, scans, etc. It wasn't until my 20 week anatomy scan that we found out she had passed at around 17 weeks or so. I had miscarried without any signs, without knowing my baby girl was gone. I'll be 15w4d at this u/s, and with it being so close to when we lost our daughter I'm nervous. I don't want to hear those deafening words "I'm sorry, but there's no heartbeat" ever again. I don't think I could handle another loss. Any other mamas currently in or been in a similar situation? Did things turn out okay? What got you through it? I'm so afraid, I need help. 😔💔