
*unorganized rant that probably seems stupid and I don’t expect anyone to respond*

I’m an adult, still living at home. I had been about to move into an apartment when I lost my job in October. I am actively looking for a new job (have applied to about 10 since the new year) and even though I don’t have a job, I still buy my own groceries with money I had left over for my old job. I am also the only person who cleans the bathroom that my mom and I BOTH use because she refuses to share a bathroom with my dad (which is super weird considering they’re married). I have been making dinner for both my mom and I every night this week and cleaning up after myself. ALL I ASK is that my mom listen to me when I speak, but she can’t even do that. She watches TV all day long and yells at me if I talk during one of her shows. Basically I’m only allowed to talk during commercial breaks, but that’s when she goes to the bathroom. She has done this to my dad too and he’s tried to talk to her about it, but she gets extremely defensive. Even when she’s not watching TV, she doesn’t listen. I’ve been in the middle of telling a story and she’s said “ohhh” before I even get to the point and walked away because she doesn’t like to listen. Tonight we got into an argument because she yelled at me when I was trying to share something with her while the TV was on, and she said I don’t help her with anything around the house 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 I reminded her that I cooked dinner for both of us earlier and if she wanted me to do anything else, all she had to do was tell me....I don’t know what else I can do for this woman...Tonight after I was cooking dinner, I put the pan that I used to fry chicken in the sink to soak and she told me I did that wrong 🙄 if I try to help with the laundry, she tells me I do it wrong...can’t win. I just can’t wait until I get one of these jobs I’ve been applying to. I need to get out of this house ASAP. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I have a best friend but she is dealing with addiction and I don’t want to put my petty problems on top of everything she’s going through right now.