My marriage is in trouble and I want to save it


All the telltale signs are there

-ever decreasing levels of intimacy

-more and more arguments about finances.

-I despise my wife’s cats(not to mention I’m allergic to them) and cannot seem to find any sort of compromise, in fact the cats seem to be what starts the majority of the fights we have. They have destroyed every piece of nice furniture that I brought with me when we moved in together either by marking it or clawing on it until it’s such an eyesore that it can’t be considered furniture anymore. I used to have a very nice comfy white love seat, when j threw it away, it was completely a yellowish brown color and stank to high heaven. I have one comfy chair left in our house, the rest of the furniture is hers, and the cats have started to destroy my chair as well.

-less and less sex, and when we do have sex, i don’t last very long anymore, even though I want to.

-I just got out of a crappy job that never gave me weekends off, and scored my dream job that never works weekends AND pays 4x as much, and she says I never have time for her, I’m sorry that I work hard at a job I love to try to contribute to our livelihood.

-I don’t remember the last time we had a date night, even before our now four month old daughter was born.

-I don’t drink anymore because I’m a terrible drunk, but that’s all we did the night we met and most of our early dates wound up with us drinking at a pool hall.

-I miss my wife even though we live together and she misses me even though we live together.

- I’m sorry I’m just gonna leave all this here, I don’t post things very often and this post has turned into a jumbled mess of my own thoughts.

I guess I just need suggestions on how to relight the flame on our candle, because it’s been out for too long and it’s getting cold in our house.