badass nice that I have to deal with every morning


sorry for the rant this morning but I just have to get this off my chest I'm 30 weeks pregnant and it's me and my twin sister her ten-year-old son and her seven-year-old daughter and also the father of my child living in the home well my sister she has to be to work at 6 a.m. my boyfriend has to be to work 6:30 I usually work middays evening shifts well to help my sister out I get my niece and my nephew up for school every morning my nephew such an easy-going kid shit sometimes he gets himself up for school and he on the other hand is like the devil reincarnated she always gives me problems always gives me problems I don't get paid to do this whenever their mom wants to go hang out and get drunk and have fun I let her go I don't charge her but just like I had to tell my sister today who's at work I don't have to do this I don't have to fight with your daughter every morning to get her up I have 10 weeks to go I'm not going to be doing this when my son comes it's just so stressful that it's it's not even funny like ridiculous by this morning for instance she didn't want to put on her socks and shoes her brother was like just put on your socks and shoes what was so hard about putting on your socks and shoes I had to call my mother at 6:30 this morning to come to my house to help me with my niece then she ended up missing the school bus but her brother got on the school bus I'm just I'm just so over it all night I'm just really over it and I don't want to be like that because I'm all my sister has when it comes down to helping her out with her kids but I don't have to deal with a disrespectful child like that's not fair to me I could be still getting sleep but I get up every morning to get her kids up for free and I don't want to be that sister that's like oh I'm not going to watch your kids because my sister has a decent job really decent job and she's up for promotion and dealing with this shit with her daughter could really hinder her from getting this promotion that she really wants and that she really needs I'm just over it y'all and I really don't know what to do