HELP Idk how to feel

Two days ago I lost my brother in law. He was only 27. No, we have no idea how he passed yet. He left behind 3 small children. So, what's the issue you're asking? October 20th I miscarried my first child. My husband had zero reaction; didn't even seem to care. Now before you get mad at him, he was trying very hard to be physically and mentally supportive to me, but the lack of reaction just shut me down. Here's the issue.. we lost a dog last year and he cried for months, his brother of whom the only close sibling to him was me dies and understandably he's upset. But I can't help being ragingly angry. I spoke to his brother daily and am trying to keep it together not crying in front of him so he can keep contained. Idk why I can't stop being so mad and sad at the same time. Help!