Pregnant after period??

Hey girls, I know this is super unlikely but I just want to make sure 110%. My period came 3 days late last month and I thought nothing of it as it was normal in length (6 days) but it was very light the entire way through and the final 3 days were very light inconsistent spotting. I'd had unprotected sex that month on ovulation he he did cum on the opening of my vagina and a little in there. I thought nothing of it until my period was late that month and then I realised my boobs were extremely tender and I felt exhausted, nauseous etc. well when I got my period I thought nothing further than my period was a bit late and my symptoms were from af. But the symptoms haven't got better if anything they seem to have got worse and now I have extreme bloating which isn't like me at all since I'm dieting and I am into fitness. I know it's super unlikely but could I be pregnant? Has this happened to anyone else before?

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