pcos your killing me


for once can my body just work with me !! I've come off the pill to try and do things naturally, (not tcc) and it's been so damn hard! But I know I could easily give in and just go back on the pull but I don't want to give up. I've been eating healthy partly keto but just clean eating in general even over Christmas I didn't over do it. I've been going to the gym aswell. It's been about 4 months in total of all of this. today I woke up in pain my stomach has bloated out like I'm 8months pregnant. I know that's part of pcos and I used to get it even on the pill. but I've been trying my damn hardest! 😔 I've been getting ready for the gym for an hour. I keep going back and looking in the mirror thinking everyone's just going to keep giving me that *"are you pregnant look*" arghhhh it just gets me down so much I want to just sit here and cry . I could be happy with the rest of my body it's just my stomach. ALWAYS!! will just bloat out and no one seems to help me understand why!! I'm sick of uk GPS just saying it's part of having pcos and that's it!! and I'm not talking like a little period bloat. I'm talking full 8 month pregnant curved looking stomach 😬 I want to go to the gym now but here I am holding back the tears. I feel so ugly