Feeling really down right now

hi everyone this is my first time ever posting on this app I just starting to get the hang of it and so far I really like it it seems like a safe place for women to express there feelings so that is why I am here. So for a while now I have been really depressed it seems like everything in my life is just going wrong. I just became unemployed and haven't been able to find a new job. I've had to move back in with my mom which hasn't been all great we seem to be butting heads all the time. I'm trying hard to find a job but it seems like every job I apply for turns me down. So I had to do little side jobs like babysitting and clean house for a little bit of money obviously that's only pocket change. I had a car but before I could get it it was taken away and on top of that I have to no friends at all the only person I could really talk was my best friend but me and her had a falling out and I haven't spoken since April/May. I have been feeling really lonely lately and really sad because it seems like everyone and round me life is going so great and I'm just struggle. I've cried so many nights praying for something good to happen to me but it just seems like nothing happening and it's starting to take a toll on me. I'm honestly starting to feel worthless and it's really affecting my confidence I could really use some advice please and thank you. Also sorry this post is so long.